Unethical and Fraudulent Practices of Enhance clinic and Dr Manoj Khanna 3

Unethical and Fraudulent Practices of Enhance clinic and Dr Manoj Khanna

In a shocking revelation, DHI™ found that Enhance Clinics, a Kolkata based hair transplant company promoted by Dr Manoj Khanna have announced coming up with a new hair transplant technique by the name of DHR technique. The write up on their website enhanceclinincs.in that explains this DHR technique is shamelessly copied from DHI™ India’s website and promotional…

Articles, Best Hair Transplant Clinic In India, Hair Loss Treatment, Hair Transplant

DHI International – Global Leader in Hair Transplant

DHI International – Global Leader in Hair Restoration

   DHI Medical Group is the global leader in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hair loss. Driven by passion for innovation, transparency and education, DHI Global Medical Group is solely dedicated to research, diagnosis and treatment of hair and scalp disorders for 49 years, and have treated more than 250,000+ delighted patients across 75 clinics worldwide. Our…

Articles, DHI Hair Transplant Treatment, Hair Transplant

DHI vs FUE - difference between dhi and fue

DHI vs FUE vs FUT – Know the Differences

Making the right decision while choosing the right clinic and technique for your hair transplant is very important. The aim is to get a natural-looking result and to protect the donor area from trauma. However, most people are lured into sub-standard techniques based on cost and the number of follicles implanted. The video given below explains the…

Articles, Best Hair Transplant Techniques, Hair Transplant, Hair Transplantation for Different Ethnicities