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5 Things You Learn after Undergoing a Hair Transplant Procedure

David Beckham’s recent sweat session at a gym in L.A. with his wife Victoria Beckham should have only been about their much-awaited reunion. But, it was rather about just one unexpected question: ‘Can anyone bend it like Beckham (I mean, look so good) even after a hair transplant procedure?’

To the eyes not trained to spot hair transplants, the answer was—‘he didn’t undergo any hair transplant ever’.

Beckham’s hair had not looked so good in a long time!

Beckham Hair Transplant Journey

‘Invest in your hair; it is the crown you never take off’

Beckham’s been very vocal about hair transplant in his interviews. In fact, his teammate Wayne Rooney has also undergone the procedure and got fabulous results. So chances of Beckham doing the same are very strong, despite him ruling out the possibility.

Wayne Hair TransplantWayne Before Hair Transplant

While the mystery behind the ‘Da-Vid Locks’ continues, I know exactly how it feels to undergo a hair transplant procedure. Let me enlighten you a bit on this because I am sure your understanding of a hair transplant procedure is weirder than zombies falling in love with women in the latest Hollywood plots.

Here is what I have learned after undergoing the procedure myself:

Nobody knows exactly what hair transplant is; not even Einsteins of this modern generation

Hair TransplantThis is what most people, including our so-called intelligent friends, think about a hair transplant procedure:

  • Taking hair from someone’s head and gluing it on your head’s affected area.
  • Taking hair from some other parts of your body and placing them on your head.
  • Cutting hair from your head and placing them back where needed.

In reality, hair transplant is nothing of the aforementioned fantasies. It entails plucking of hairs from the head where they are really thick and inserting them where you need them the most.

All hair transplants techniques are not same

Yes. There are three types of hair transplant techniques: DHI, FUE, and FUT. All three are completely different from each other.

DHI is the most advanced technique that gives you a natural hairline while FUE has the tendency to turn one into a zombie at times. FUT has become extinct.

  • DHI allows multiple sessions while FUE is a single session technique. Thus, DHI gives you natural hairs.
  • DHI instruments are single-use. They give better control over angle and depth.
  • In DHI procedure, single hair strand is plucked and placed where they are needed. It allows a DHI doctor to give you a natural hairline.

DHI hair transplants work

Don’t just believe my words. Have a look at the pictures below:

Virender Sahwag After Hair TransplantVirender Sahwag Before Hair Transplant

Patient Before and After ResultsPatient Before and After Results at DHI

Patient Before and After Results at DHI IndiaPatient Before and After Awesome Results

You can’t know it if you haven’t undergone a DHI procedure. But with DHI’s hair loss evaluation test, you will start realizing the grandness of this global brand with an experience spanning more than 40 years. So, understandably, DHI is the father of all hair transplant techniques.

DHI does transform your life

‘In every field, men who’d undergone hair restoration scored significantly higher compared to their pre-transplant selves,’—Dr. Lisa Ishii, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore (U.S).

A shaved head doesn’t always make you Jason Statham. So if you are on your way to baldhood soon, then consider DHI even sooner. Because the feeling of long side bangs flowing in the wind restores your self-confidence that you thought would never return.

You start noticing people

Apart from an improved self-confidence, you will feel one more drastic change in your behavior. You will start noticing people and their hair very carefully. Well, it is a very basic human nature. You know when you own the latest Harley; you tend to notice everyone else who also does. Questions pop into your head: ‘Is his Harley better than mine? What model is that? Is that even Harley? Where did he get that ripped mean machine from?’

The same thing happens after undergoing hair transplants. You start noticing hairs. You start asking questions to yourself: Are they real? Is that a wig? Has he undergone a hair transplant? DHI procedure? No. Doesn’t look natural. Ordinary hair transplant, huh?

But, above all, one important thing I have learned after undergoing DHI is that it is a journey of transformation.

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