Tuffers is chuffed six weeks on….

It’s just six weeks since Phil Tufnell underwent a Direct Hair Implantation session at the renowned DHI Global Medical Centre in London, one of the world’s most advanced and leading clinics in hair restoration procedures.
Earlier today Phil tweeted a ‘selfie’ from The Cheltenham Festival and is clearly pleased with the results so far…
Phil was a top level international cricketer who played for England 42 times and was responsible on several occasions for winning matches for England with his cunning spin bowling. These days Phil combines his cricketing expertise with his ‘mischievous’ and ‘laddish’ reputation as a much-loved television and radio Presenter and is currently a regular captain on BBC’s ‘A Question of Sport’ as well as a presenter on ‘The One Show’.
A youthful 47 year old, Phil started to lose hair around his temples in his thirties. When he heard there was an option to combat baldness he decided to go for it!
Male pattern baldness affects about six million British men and NHS doctors write thousands of prescription for the drug Propecia each year hoping to halt men’s hair loss. However, side effects can include loss in libido and energy.
DHI Founder, Kostas Giotis comments;
“Hair loss can cause a huge amount of psychological distress for men and women across the UK. It can affect an individual’s social and professional confidence which can have a direct result on their quality of life. This need not be the case when effective hair restoration techniques are readily available.”
The DHI treatment is the most advanced of its kind and is less invasive, carried out with a smaller needle and improved anaesthesia. Patients are fully advised before any treatment in the DHI Participation Programme. A few advantages of the DHI Technique:
- Smaller diameter punches (0.7-0.85) lead to faster healing & less marks.
- Direct implantation of grafts without reception results in less trauma of the skin, less damage to the local blood supply and no scarring.
- Less invasive therefore significantly reduced bleeding.
- Less traumatic.
- Minimal risk of infection as the hair follicle is transferred immediately from the donor area to the recipient area.
Kostas Giotis has been exclusively engaged in the field of hair restoration since 1970 and is a pioneer in the treatment of hair loss. In 2002 DHI Medical Group was one of the major innovators in Follicular Unit Extraction.
To interview Phil Tufnell or Kostas Giotis please contact Teresa Quinlan on
020 3551 3970 or email teresa@loveprlondon.com
Notes to Editors:
- Hair loss is very common; approximately 25% of men begin balding by age 30 and two-thirds begin balding by age 60. Although hair loss in females normally occurs after the age of 50, it is now occurring at earlier ages with reported cases in women as young as 15 or 16.
- Kostas Giotis is a member of the American Society of Cosmetic Surgery, the founder of The International Hair Society (HIS) and has spoken at numerous medical and non-medical Forums. He has published papers in The Hair Transplant Forum and other respected medical journals and hold several patents on its hair implanter method by leading an international team in the Research and Development field of ‘hair multiplication’ and ‘body hair transplantation’.
- Twitter; @DHIGLOBAL, @PhilTufnell #TuffersBarnet