The Role of Genetics In Hair Loss: Can You Inherit The Condition?

Why do people go bald despite maintaining healthy lifestyles? Genes play a vital role in triggering hair loss.
There are several scientific experiments and studies to conclude the fact that what we are today is a result of the genetic mutation of thousands of years. Like other genetic features, people inherit baldness as a feature too. If your ancestors were a victim of baldness, you’re highly likely to suffer the same fate.
Hereditary hair loss treatment is distinct from other treatment plans for hair loss and yields fruitful results. This blog will educate readers about different aspects of hereditary hair loss to help them narrow down the most effective treatment plans available for them to take a call.
The ‘Balding Gene’ Explained
If we talk about genetic hair loss symptoms, it’s essential to discuss the ‘baldness gene’. It’s a proven fact that genetic hair loss is more prevalent in men than in women and balding genes have a crucial role to play in it.
Scientists have conducted plenty of research on genetic hair loss to establish the association between genetics and early baldness. As per a scientific study conducted by The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, nearly 79% of men suffering from male pattern baldness inherit the condition.
Numerous other scientific studies have affirmed the fact that genetic hair loss is more prevalent than other types of hair loss in both men and women. Doctors and dermatologists estimate this problem to escalate intensely shortly.
Scientists have also confirmed that hereditary hair loss is entirely polygenic and is caused due to the traits carried by multiple genes. Men generally inherit ‘X’ chromosomes from their mothers and they inherit ‘Y’ chromosomes from their fathers.
Science has proven that both these chromosomes carry specific genetic features that are responsible for manifesting the signs of baldness. To be specific, the AR genes present on X chromosomes cause men to go bald. These genes double the risks of male pattern baldness in young men.
Apart from the 6 AR genes, 57 other genes come into play in terms of triggering hair loss and baldness in men. Most of these genes are inherited through Y chromosomes.
If you have inherited baldness from your ancestors, there’s very little you can do to reverse it completely. In that case, you need to undergo the necessary treatments to fight your condition with better proficiency and reverse it.
As there’s no specific genetic hair loss age, side baldness and other types of baldness can be prevalent in your early 20s too. Hair transplantation is oftentimes considered the ultimate solution for genetic hair loss but there are other measures that you can take at the initial stage of hair loss too.
Does Hair Loss Come from Your Mother’s Side of the Family?
It’s a widespread myth that an individual inherits baldness from his maternal ancestors. But it has now been declared a myth.
Science doesn’t support the concept that genetic hair loss is inherited from maternal ancestors only. The genetic tendency of hair loss gets passed down from both sides of the family.
What Else Causes Balding Other Than Genes?
Though genes are in play most of the time behind hair loss, ample other factors can lead to this embarrassing condition. Regardless of the type of hair genetics you have inherited, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle to retain decent hair health.
The factors that trigger hair loss other than genetic inheritance are diverse. Also, each one of them is significant enough for your overall hair health.
Nutrition Deficiency
Nutrition is the open secret behind perfect hair health but most people miss out on maintaining it properly. Both macros and micros are necessary for sustainable hair retention. Scientists call protein the building block of human hair.
Inadequate protein consumption leads to hair fall and complete hair loss. Alongside that, micronutrients like Zinc, Vitamin E are equally important for optimal hair health. A persistent lack in the consumption of these micros can damage your hair cells greatly.
That’s why dermatologists and hair loss experts ask patients about their dietary regimens before moving to treatment procedures. Fixing diet resolves hair fall issues in many cases.
Hormonal Imbalance
The fundamental functions of the human body are largely dependent on some important hormones like testosterone, thyroid, and cortisol. Abnormalities in the levels of these hormones can trigger sudden hair fall issues and baldness in men and women.
Imbalance secretion of the thyroid hormone influences your hair health negatively. Testosterone deficiency in men can also lead to premature hair fall and baldness. Women undergo a lot of hormonal changes during pregnancy and they start facing hair fall problems after menopause.
Radiation Treatment
Cancer patients need to undergo radiation treatment procedures and hair fall can be a prominent side effect of these procedures.
Medicinal Side Effects
Not everyone’s body reacts to drugs in the same way. Certain medications trigger hair fall in some people. The same thing applies to health supplements as well. That’s why it’s advised to consume medicinal drugs or supplements only after medical consultation.
Elevated stress levels can be a damaging factor for your health as well as your hair. Getting adequate rest daily and staying relaxed is important for decent hair conditions. Higher stress level causes drastic chemical and hormonal changes in the body which eventually leads to uncontrolled hair loss.
Improper Hair Maintenance
Just like your skin, your hair demands extra care. You must know how to manage your hair and what products to use on your head to maintain your hair.
Apart from genetic hair loss, these are the prime reasons that are liable for untimely hair loss. If premature baldness is not in your bloodline, one of the aforementioned reasons must have caused hair fall.
Can Genetic Hair Loss Be Cured?
There’s no definite cure for hereditary hair loss, and the required treatment plan for any patient is determined based on the condition. Plenty of treatment options are available to cure genetic hair loss.
Oral Medications
Baldness or hair fall issues can be treated successfully with oral medications. These medications are considered one of the safest options for treating hereditary hair fall problems.
Topical Solutions
Oral medications don’t suffice all the time in terms of reversing hereditary hair loss and that’s when doctors prescribe topical solutions. These solutions are mostly available as liquids or ointments to fix hair fall problems.
Hair Transplantation Surgery
It’s the most beneficial solution if you’re seeking permanent results. You can get dense and shiny back hair as you get hair transplantation surgery done. Ideally, a hair transplantation surgery is suggested when no other treatment plan works.
How The DHI Technology Can Help You Deal with Genetic Hair Loss?
The DHI technology is considered the smartest hair transplantation technology to help people with long-term hereditary hair fall problems. The advanced patented design of the DHI implanter is pure bliss for those who don’t want to bear the pain during surgery.
The DHI experts conduct computerized screenings before implantation to detect any underlying ailments. Being a long-hair-friendly technology, the DHI technology comes with a total grip control feature which is helpful for implanting grafts exactly as per expectations.
Also, a 97% graft survival rate is assured as you opt for the DHI technology, which is beyond expectation. So, DHI technology is the top preference for treating hereditary hair loss.
Final Words
If premature hair fall is in your genetic pattern, you can’t prevent it from manifesting. Instead of getting annoyed by this issue, it’s wiser to take the right step to treat it. As genetic hair loss symptoms start showing up, you must get in touch with a professional hair fall expert or a dermatologist.
Based on the condition of your hair and your physical health, a medical professional can determine the best treatment option for you. The treatment procedure will start with either topical meds or oral ones. If none of them works for you, there’s no option left except going for hair transplantation. DHI technology can help you get the best-customized transplantation solution for you. So, seek professional assistance or contact us before it’s too late!
This content is written by DHI content team and medically reviewed by Dr. Deepak Choudhary a highly skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeon. To learn more about Dr Deepak, visit his LinkedIn Profile.