DHI in famous German weekly Bunte Magazine

Recently, a new type of hair implantation caused a sensation: DHI stands for Direct Hair Implantation. This year it was the main topic of conversation at IMCAS in Paris, one of the biggest congresses for Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery. In Europe and India, this technology is booming for some time.Individual hairs with 0.7 -millimeter micro-tools are taken from the back of the head without leaving any scar. This zone is never affected in contrast to the hairline that is thinning over the years “said Dr. Stefan Duve, a dermatologist and hair expert of Skin and Laser center at the Opera in Munich.
The removed hairs from the back of the head are immediately implanted by a tiny prick into the hair loss areas. The procedure leaves no scar and is virtually painless. Since each hair follicle is individually extracted and then implanted in the hair loss areas, the procedure may take, depending on the amount of hair, from eight to ten hours. Special care is not necessary after the procedure, hair and scalp are just moistened for three days with saline spray. There are no side effects. This is one more decisive advantage over the previous strip method.
”The best thing about the new DHI method is that the hair growth is permanent” explains dermatologist Dr. Duve. “The new hairs grow naturally a few months after the session”