Hair Transplant Blog

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DHI Hair Transplant: Procedure, Cost & Benefits

Many people experience irritability, lack of confidence, and sadness due to their baldness. It’s because hairs are so crucial and play important role in one’s personality.

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Choose Best Hair Transplant Clinics and Doctors

A Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure to restore the patient’s hair and help them get their confidence back. In this procedure, the surgeon extracts healthy hair follicles from the donor site, and back of the head, and implants them in the bald area. Depending on the hair follicles to be transplanted, on average it…

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Hair Transplant Safety, Clinic Hygiene Protocols

At DHI Medical Group, every clinic across the globe follows the same safety and hygiene protocols. Hair Transplant has become a popular medical procedure, where surgeons extract hair from the donor area and transplant it to the recipient area. This procedure is performed by highly trained and experienced doctors generally in a safe environment followed…

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Importance of advanced implanters in DHI Hair Transplant Procedures

At DHI clinics, we use single-use disposable punches and needles for every session. These instruments are destroyed after the procedures in front of the patients according to the DHI protocols. The Hair Transplant or Hair Transplantation is a very simple cosmetic procedure where hair follicles from the donor area, mainly from the backside of the scalp are extracted and…

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Why Graft Survival & Transparency is Critical in Hair Transplant procedure

If a clinic or a hair transplant surgeon tells you that 2500 hairs were implanted on your scalp in your hair transplant procedure, can you confidently say that exactly 2500 hairs were implanted? No, right? But, at DHI, we believe in making the impossible possible. We provide complete transparency by giving the exact count of…

Read more Hair Grafts, Hair Loss Treatment, Hair Transplant, Hair Transplant
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Importance of Hair Extraction in DHI Hair Transplant

Have you wondered how your hair is being extracted from your donor area is also important? At most of the clinics, bigger punches are used which not only leaves lifetime scarring, but many times the gaps are so much that they look to give a moth-eaten-like appearance totally defying the basic purpose of hair transplant…

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Why Diagnosis is important before choosing Hair Transplant Treatment?

The reason for hair loss is different for each patient and hence the hair restoration treatment plan is also different. Unlike other clinics, where the surgeon gives random suggestions of 3500 hairs just by looking and touching your scalp. At DHI, we firmly believe that the correct diagnosis will provide the finest treatment and delivers…

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Alopecia Areata: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hair loss directly impacts the quality of a person’s life. Many reasons can cause it. To understand the most suitable solution for hair loss, it is important to understand the reason for hair loss. This entire text is dedicated to Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disease where your immune system starts attacking your hair follicles and…

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What is the best treatment for female hair loss?

People start losing hair as early as the early 20s, especially in India. Fortunately, we have the option of getting hair transplants for men and women using advanced techniques. Out of hundreds of online and offline advertisements for hair clinics, finding a reliable and experienced clinic to conduct a hair transplant for women is important. Ludwig Scale Female…

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Happy Patient’s Hair Transplant Journey with DHI India

Hair loss has become a widespread problem influenced by factors like hormones, genes, stress, illness, drugs, injuries, autoimmune disease, and diet. It ranges from mild hair thinning to total baldness. Hair Transplant in India has been the most trusted solution for all kinds of hair loss issues. DHI India offers advanced hair transplant treatment in India, and…

Read more Client Journey, Hair Loss Treatment, Hair Transplant
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